Senin, 04 April 2011

Video Lucu Aksi Polisi Gorontalo Lipsync Lagu India

Aksi Lucu Polisi Gorontalo yang menyanyikan lagu india dengan cara lipsync....:))

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Jumat, 01 April 2011

Altitude sickness (mountain sickness)

Altitude sickness (mountain sickness) is an illness that ranges from a mild headache and weariness to a life-threatening build-up of fluid in the lungs or brain at high altitudes.

Acute altitude sickness is the mildest and most common form. Because more people are traveling to areas of high elevation for skiing and mountain climbing, acute altitude sickness has become a greater public health concern. Roughly one fourth of Colorado ski area vacationers, two thirds of climbers on Mount Rainier, and half the people who fly to the Khumbu region of Nepal develop acute altitude sickness.

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Curug Putri (Putri Waterfall) Paradise at the foot of the mountain Ceremai

About 500 meters from the campsite there is a cascading waterfall high princess with about 20 meters and water quality is very clear because it comes from a natural source Ceremai Mount Forest. They say there are already held the girl Khayangan bathroom, where angels descend on earth, so that local people gave the girl name cascade, you’ll see the rainbow / katumbiri around the waterfall there where there is rain and the sun shines, the local community had to believe it is a sign-Sign’s daughter Khayangan down to earth.

Located at an altitude of 1100-1150 meters above sea level at the foot of one of the highest mountain in West Java Ceremai the mountain, with rainfall about 3,000 mm / year, with the air temperature cool reached

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Bunga Bangkai

Beberapa waktu yang lalu warga disekitar Perumnas Tolitoli mendapati jenis flora langka yang tumbuh di salah satu pekarangan warga. Bunga itu adalah Bunga Bangkai atau nama latinnya Amorphophallus. Menurut salah satu warga yang bernama Nasril Musi mengatakan bahwa bunga tersebut sering mengeluarkan aroma tak sedap hingga berjarak beberapa meter dari asal bunga. Berikut Dokumentasi visual yang berhasil kami ambil dari lokasi dimana bunga tersebut tumbuh.

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