Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Curug Putri (Putri Waterfall) Paradise at the foot of the mountain Ceremai

About 500 meters from the campsite there is a cascading waterfall high princess with about 20 meters and water quality is very clear because it comes from a natural source Ceremai Mount Forest. They say there are already held the girl Khayangan bathroom, where angels descend on earth, so that local people gave the girl name cascade, you’ll see the rainbow / katumbiri around the waterfall there where there is rain and the sun shines, the local community had to believe it is a sign-Sign’s daughter Khayangan down to earth.

Located at an altitude of 1100-1150 meters above sea level at the foot of one of the highest mountain in West Java Ceremai the mountain, with rainfall about 3,000 mm / year, with the air temperature cool reached
between 20-24c is a cascade Pelutungan camp ground daughter and earth, to be exact in kec.Cigugur District Brass, West Java. The condition of some of their area is flat enough to be a suitable place for camping and outgoing site / collection with family and friends with shadow immune to typical Merkus pine towering mountains add to the atmosphere becomes more intimate and romantic.
Curug Putri according to local belief that if women and men diligently wash my face in the cascade princess then believed to be facilitated to find a life partner. It is not illusory because it can be understood by diligent washing his face in Curug putri ( Princess water fall) is the place where water comes from natural sources of Mount Ciremai very clean, it has a low TDS, clear, and the healthy face was dirty and looked dull even be considered more clean, fresh, bright, and become more confident, then emerge and face become more attractive and radiant so much easier to get the / spouse. According to several people who visit have been many success stories, several times visited the Princess waterfall and wash my face it, managed to get a life partner spouse who coveted.

Spectacular View

Natural paradise camping Palutungan itself is very beautiful, shaded by pine trees Merkus, singing birds - birds that perch in trees to give meaning and clearer mind. Coupled with an altitude of 1100 meters from Palutungan can see spectacular views of the city of Kuningan, Cirebon, Majalengka and the Java Sea. Palutungan can also see the beautiful view towards Darma dam and Ciamis. Spectacular view Palutungan campground may be in the claim as the best in the Regency of Kuningan. In addition to very useful to refresh or relax too good to admire the power of the Almighty who created the Earth Indonesia is so beautiful.
Easily accessible location, about 10 km from the city of brass. It took only 15 minutes drive from the beautiful scenery along the way because the road to the left and right full of vegetables and fruits. If is often a trip to Lembang Bandung or Bogor Cipanas then the subconscious will talk about is “the Lembang / she Cipanas Brass.” Access road is paved and two lanes may be adopted by a wide variety of vehicles, including sedans. On the way to the camp is Palutungan ignored several attractions such Kuningan district Cigugur Water Fish Spa Tourism and Travel Religion Christians Mary Cave.

Adequate facilities
the business of this establishment ecotourism is quite adequate, more parking, public toilets religious facilities, stalls, sports facilities are available here. Almost all major carriers is quite good, Cellular Phone Signal strong enough, it will greatly facilitate your communication.
curug putri with only pay an entrance fee Rp 7000, - should enjoy the scenic beauty and its pure mountain air and cool. Cascade princess and campsites Palutungan is now used by the community Kuningan district, Cirebon and surrounding areas for the activities of a family gathering, collection and business abroad, the camp school, the natural formation , and others.
Sumber : http://amazingindonesia.net

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